Directions & Terms of USe
a. Cases should be stored in highly visible, easily accessed locations, such as on the wall of a breezeway, barn entrance, etc., and ideally not in direct sunlight
b. When you receive your kit, ensure that all of the items are present and functional before deploying in the barn. The flashlight will require batteries upon arrival, as storage can deplete the battery life
c. Each kit contains 5 blindfolds. We sell blindfolds separately, so that a barn may supplement the 5 in the kit to match the number of stalls/horses. Ensuring you have enough blindfolds for all of the equines will maximize evacuation safety and efficiency.
d. We recommend familiarizing yourself with all of the contents of each kit, including testing out and acclimating your horse to the blindfolds. Ensure the horse is secured (tied) or otherwise unable to injure itself before testing, and remember that reduced vision could lead to a horse accidentally swinging its head/stepping on or otherwise impeding on your space. The blind folds should only be used in an emergency situation or in the presence of experienced equestrians, veterinarians, grooms, or other professionals who understand horse psychology and how a horse will react to reduced visual acuity.
e. All of the items in the kit should be in perfect working order upon arrival. If there is any issue, we will replace the defective item. Contact info@firehorserescue.com to set this up, and check all items at least once every six months to ensure they are still in good working order.
f. Our kits are designed to increase preparedness and save lives in the event of an emergency. However all barns should follow fire department and building codes to reduce fire risk, including having a functioning fire extinguisher and in the event of an emergency all barns are recommended to call 911 immediately. Our tools are designed for quick response to fill the gap between the first sparks of a fire and the fire department arriving to extinguish and evaluate the structure or property for additional risks.
g. By purchasing a Kit, you agree to all of the terms and conditions, as well as best practices in terms of kit use.
Reach out to us with any inquiries about our kits or their intended use, and we will get back to you ASAP!